Harish Rao

Blog: Six values for life and workplace – Growth

“We work with people, clients and vendors that assist us to impact ourselves and the community positively.”

What exactly is a growth mindset? It is a feeling that ‘forward’ is the only way to focus and endeavor to grow towards. It is a willingness to take everyone who matters along with you on that journey as well; your family, colleagues, clients, friends, employees, vendors and your community at large. It is about growing together towards prosperity in every spectrum of life.

Like we discussed in the previous blog the first step towards any growth is focusing on ‘being a better me’. It is a prerogative for any attempts to help your circle achieve growth of any kind. Now that we have seen how to help yourself be better, let’s see what can help you with the next phase which is growth for all.

Having a goal and vision for all – Hoping and dreaming you and everyone around you have a great life is a wonderful feeling. But results are generated out of actions with a goal and vision propelling it. You cannot merely lay down your wishes and hopes and sit around hoping for things to work out.

There should be a well-defined vision you have in conjunction with goals for the organization and all other stakeholders. It is your vision that molds your actions today and decisions you make now. It is easier to reach a destination when you know what your destination is and how to reach it. While sometimes being lost in the woods can give you great experiences, being lost always doesn’t help with achievements.

Being unselfish about everything especially knowledge sharing – Knowledge is power and doesn’t dwindle with sharing. Making an effort to share your knowledge and making everyone more powerful and well equipped to handle their journey towards success is a truly empowering feeling.

Providing a sense of belonging to make it a journey together – When people feel heard and involved in an endeavor their sense of belonging and ownership is high. The journey towards growth is quickest, easiest and enriching when undertaken together. The breadth and scale of growth multiplies manifold when you grow together with your colleagues, vendors, clients and all other stakeholders. The biggest ultimate beneficiary will be your organization

Choosing to be with only the right people – When hiring people to work for you or when choosing your vendors and clients, extreme caution should be taken. Also, necessary amount of time should be kept aside for a thorough screening of people. Having to work alongside people not aligned to the common goal can be an avoidable challenge, A lot of things can be learned, unlearned or trained. But spending time on people who are of tangential thought process with limiting attitudes and behavior would be a major waste of time and resources. So, using some extra time before entering into contracts and associations would add a lot of value.

Willingness to go that extra mile – The sense of commitment that comes with the sense of ownership is what makes one go that extra mile to achieve the goal and aid in growth. The output generated in whatever your business is- product or service- should not be just satisfactory or good. It should be something that gives delight to the end user and delight to you as a provider. ‘Just enough’ is a low hanging fruit to try reaching and not an empowering state of mind.

Focusing on all round quality deliveries – The focus on quality cannot be limited to one area. It should cover the output of all stakeholders and all divisions involved in the project or task. The high quality displayed in one area cannot be the reason for going easy on something else or letting someone get by with substandard quality. For sustained motivation and growth consistent and equal focus on quality is a must-have.

Investing time in relationship building – Business and interactions should not be purely transactional. It is healthy well-maintained relationships that ensure sustained business and growth. Spending time to know your clients and vendors bring in healthy relationships and they would be reluctant to break them off as quickly, unlike in situations where focus is just on the deal under process. Your employee churn and attrition rate would significantly come down with valuable time investment underpinning the relationship

Taking unselfish decisions – It takes a lot of effort and training for us to think beyond ourselves and our small circle. But if a growth of large scale is what is envisaged one needs to think beyond one self and look at the benefits that can be reaped by the contributions from the larger group involved. A true leader considers herself only as a caretaker of the organization she is in-charge of. Not as an owner or supreme leader. They also don’t shy away from sharing the fruit of success.

Having an unprejudiced, open mind! – Strong and bright ideas could come from anywhere. Welcoming them and using them however comes only to open minded people and it flourishes only in open environments. Being open to innovations saves time. Giving everyone an opportunity to be heard is the mark of a true leader with a growth mindset. This is possible only with an intention to unlearn limiting beliefs and biases and embracing a positive outlook. Most of us have very baseless biases which prevents entry to some brilliant ideas that could come from sources we don’t ’approve’ of. This is why wise people encouraged societies to have conversations that focused more on ideas and less on people

Being solution centric and not problem focused – Looking at things as opportunities for improvement is a great way to fast-track growth. Anything could be a problem and anything could be a learning or solution as well. The attitude you adopt decides your outcome. The best of leaders had an unfailing loyalty to being solution centric by turning all their experiences – positive and negative as fuel that propels them into enrichment, education and growth.

Soft skills are important for you in both personal and professional life. They are an important component in your success and how far you would go in life. This is equally applicable for your team of employees as well. If you are looking for any soft skill coaching or mentoring for your team or for yourself do write to us at harish@harishrao.world to know how we can help you with it. We understand the difference the right mentoring and training can make to a person’s productivity. We would love to work with you on this or any other business coaching needs you may have!