Harish Rao

Blog: Prioritize your spiritual well-being through these 8 steps

Through an 8-part blog series, we envisage to help you find balance in life or show you direction for taking the steps required to find the path yourself. These could be your guideposts in finding your purpose and in leading a productive and happy life.

The June editions saw us discussing the role of mental alignment, lifestyle choices and relationship management in the wheel of life.

In the first four blogs of July, we discussed the importance of family relationships, of maintaining physical health, touched upon the satisfaction from business or career and about the significance of financial planning in finding the purpose of life. In this eighth and final blog, we discuss how to ensure our spiritual well-being to ensure a sense of purpose in life.


Identifying a vision in life – Having a vision is like having a destination at the end of your journey. Your goals and efforts to fulfill them get a direction when aided with a vision. When you identify a vision, it becomes easier for you to make small chunks of achievable goals which can be methodically tackled. The vision helps you retain your focus on the goals and reorient yourself whenever you tend to get waylaid by the rigors of professional or personal life.

Spititual well-being Harish Rao blog

Moulding yourself into a spiritual person and being considered one – It is only when you operate on your highest level that you attract the right people and right energy into your life. When you remove pettiness, jealousy, mistrust, insecurities and fear from your life you get elevated automatically into a higher level of functioning. Like the space that is created when you clean the RAM of your phone or laptop, when regressive emotions are eliminated, there is more mind space left for creativity and intelligence to bloom. They start to work in close cohesion with each other. You tend to experience more success and happiness in life with more positive things starting to come your way.


Reflecting on things to feel gratitude and appreciate every dayA grateful heart can never be unhappy. I read this and have never stopped thinking about it. From the time we get up in the morning to winding up at night in our beds, all the experiences that we go through are nothing short of miracles. There are so many beautiful things we get to experience in our lifetime – the love of our family and friends, enchanting places we get to see, good times we experience, delicacies we get to taste, opportunities of growth that comes our way all of which we take for granted and overlook most often, but should not.


Being thankful for abundance every day – Just the fact that we survived one more day with food to eat, clothes to wear and a comfortable bed to sleep in has an indescribable amount of fortune and grace woven into it. Life is happening in full size and is quietly moving ahead everyday while we keep focusing on how to live well. We take life to be always something that has to be experienced in future or as what happened in the past. These relentless mental journeys to the past and future are pointless and not in the least constructive. What we have is the day we are in, the moment you are reading this. And in that moment just being alive itself is thanks to the bounty and abundance the universe has blessed you with. The only thing we need to do is live it and relish it!


Practicing the art of forgiveness everyday – Forgiveness is one of the toughest challenges that most of us have to practice in our human lives. It is very easy to perpetually wallow in anger and resentment towards a perpetrator who meted out injustice to you- perceived or real! A quote widely attributed to the Buddha goes, ‘Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die!’ So, forgiveness is not a service you do to someone else, it is primarily a helping hand you extend in your direction. You forgive so that you are free of the weight of holding it. It is a great practice to forgive and let go of all resentment gathered inside you before you turn in for the day. That way, each day is a fresh beginning.


Consistently helping people achieve what they want in life – In the journey of life you were and you are helped by a lot of people- sometimes purposely, sometimes inadvertently or due to plain serendipity. It therefore becomes an unwritten obligation to return the favor to others who could use your help too. That is how life comes full circle. If it is in your capacity to help someone achieve their dream in any kind of physical, mental or spiritual realms, then doing so helps you earn a lot of karma points besides a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment!


Adhering unfailingly to the practice of spiritual beliefs – Spiritual beliefs are deeply personal and something which resonates with your heart, mind and soul. It should not be something which you imitate or adopt from someone else. It also need not match the standards of someone else. It is agnostic to skepticism shown by others as well. It is something that brings you solace and feels logical to your mind. It could be daily prayers, chanting, lighting a lamp or a candle or mediation. If it works for you then it makes sense to adhere to it unfailingly. 


Including family in your spiritual journey – It is your family who roots for you the most. They partake and engage deeply with your successes and failures. While it may be difficult for even your family to be part of every decision you make or even support it, it is important that they understand your spiritual journey. If it appeals to them, you can wholeheartedly include them in it and together you can grow and elevate to be your higher selves.


While we conclude this eight-part series on the wheel of life- we hope we have been able to give you a gentle nudge in the right direction towards finding the purpose of your life and through it a sense of fulfillment.


If you are looking for business coaching help or help with your personal journey of self-discovery towards understanding the purpose of life or taking steps in the direction of finding it, do write to us at harish@harishrao.world and get to know how we can help you with it. We would love to work with you on this or any other business coaching needs you may have!